Meriden takes holistic approach to education and scholarship assessment

Scholarships at Meriden are offered for students who excel in academia, music and sport. But high-performance isn’t the only criteria taken into consideration.

Meriden encourages and supports all its students to achieve and excel across all areas of the curriculum and is committed to nurturing individual talents through a holistic and balanced education.

This is reflected in Meriden’s approach – from the scholarship assessment process to the support provided to all students during their time at Meriden.

Academic Scholarships
Academic scholarships are offered to students entering Year 7, based on scholarship examination results, previous academic record, interview and other criteria, including the potential for involvement and participation in other aspects of school life.

Music Scholarships
Music Scholarships are awarded based on an audition, an interview and the student’s academic records.

Scholarship recipients are well-rounded musicians who understand their music, have good aural skills and a passion and keenness to participate in musical opportunities available at Meriden, including ensembles programs and composing.

Generally, music scholarship recipients are outstanding for their age and have achieved a particular grade through the Australian Music Examinations Board, depending on the instrument.

Sport Scholarships
Meriden’s Sport Scholarships are open to athletes who are talented in sport and entering Year 9 or Year 10, subject to availability of a place in the relevant entry year at the time of application.

Specialist support and pastoral care

Meriden supports all students through a pastoral care program, and specialist programs for elite-level athletes and high-performing musicians. These specialist programs provide students with support to manage and balance their music and sporting commitments with their studies.

The Amadeus Program supports and nurtures talented musicians by providing expert teaching staff to oversee their musical development, monitoring and guiding their academic schooling, and providing them with exciting performance opportunities.

Meriden’s Olympus Program supports young elite athletes to succeed in both their academic and sporting goals. The program has a long history of supporting girls who compete at an elite level in a range of sports, including at the Olympics and other international competitions.

The program supports our student-athletes to navigate their post-school options and sporting journeys, including identifying and applying for university and collegiate scholarships.

Applications for scholarships at Meriden open in November each year at the Meriden website.


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